8 Benefits of Building an Energy Management System

An energy management system is a tool used by grid operators and businesses to continually track the energy of a building. It allows you to see exactly how much energy you use every hour and which devices consume how much. This helps you to analyze, control, and optimize each of your units, including your HVAC system, computers, lighting, fans, and pumps. Building an energy management system is crucial for large businesses such as hospitals or offices.

8 Benefits of Building an Energy Management System

An energy management system is a tool used by grid operators and businesses to continually track the energy of a building. It allows you to see exactly how much energy you use every hour and which devices consume how much. This helps you to analyze, control, and optimize each of your units, including your HVAC system, computers, lighting, fans, and pumps. Building an energy management system is crucial for large businesses such as hospitals or offices.

Not only does it help you save a lot of energy, but it also improves the overall performance of your facility, reduces the carbon emissions, and gives you greater control. Being able to measure energy consumption accurately allows you to target the most wasteful gadgets, and it can also improve your brand’s reputation because you’ll be seen as an energy efficiency pioneer.

8 Benefits of Building an Energy Management System

1. You Can Save a Significant Amount of Energy

In recent months, the operational costs of most businesses, which include paying for lighting, heating, cooling, and water services, have skyrocketed due to the energy crisis and the increasing cost of living. Across the country, small and medium-sized companies are closing down because they can’t deal with the huge increases in energy prices.
A good energy management system can help because it shows you exactly how much energy you are using and which devices consume the most power. That way, you’ll know what you have to do to improve your energy efficiency and lower your costs. Instead of having to replace all your devices, you can target only those that use up the more power.

2. Your Facility Will Perform Better

Since the Coronavirus pandemic, it has been challenging for businesses to keep their profit margins high. In fact, there were around 200,000 excess business closures in the first year of the pandemic alone, and many more companies have permanently shut their doors since. To remain competitive in this challenging market environment, you have to make sure your facility is performing at peak levels.

An EMS can help because it cuts out wasteful consumption. With the help of the system, you can see whether your energy use is proportionate to your output. If there are tools that aren’t very beneficial but are using a lot of energy, you can replace or remove them. Alternatively, devices that are energy-efficient and productive can be used more often.

3. You Will Reduce Your Carbon Emissions

Your company’s carbon footprint is defined as the total amount of greenhouse gases it generates due to the energy it consumes. A high carbon footprint is bad for your wallet, but it also causes significant long-term problems for the local and global environment. As the climate crisis intensifies, it’s likely that more and more businesses will start to pay attention to their carbon emissions.

It is estimated that we can reduce carbon consumption by up to 10% when using smart energy management systems. Globally, this would make a massive difference and facilitate the fight against climate change. By installing an EMS in your business and optimizing your power consumption, you can be at the forefront of this trend. This positions you as a green company and therefore improves your reputation.

4. You Have Greater Control Over Your Energy Use

Once your energy management system is in place, you’ll have more control over when and how you use energy. The system might allow you to emit less power during peak time or to join revenue-generating programs you weren’t a part of before.
As the energy crisis intensifies, it’s likely that there will be an increasing number of programs and incentives designed to encourage people and businesses to use less power. For example, energy companies might charge you less during off-peak times, or they might even reward you for low energy use. With the help of your EMS, you can more easily benefit from these measures and reap the financial rewards.

5. You Can Measure and Track Your Devices More Easily

Building an energy management system can help you to keep track of all your devices and discover problems more easily because you’ll spot anomalies in energy use. For example, if your HVAC system suddenly starts to use significantly more energy than before, it’s likely that there is a problem. As soon as you notice this, you can call your maintenance team and ask them to have a look at the faulty unit.

In this way, your EMS allows you to resolve issues with your building’s systems much faster. This prevents them from spiraling out of control and causing major problems that could disrupt your business.

6. You Can Provide a Better Experience to Employees and Visitors

Did you know that around 60% of employees are dissatisfied with the way lighting and temperature are controlled in their office? Buildings that are too hot, too cold, or not well-lit can have a detrimental effect on employees’ productivity levels and cost companies thousands of dollars each month. As discussed, an energy management system is a great way of increasing your level of control and therefore providing a suitable environment.

Once you know where your energy is going, you can start implementing advanced strategies to optimize your consumption. For example, you can determine whether building renewable energy sources such as solar panels would make sense. You can also speak to your energy specialists about the newest HVAC technologies and how they can help you improve your office or shop’s temperature and air quality without increasing your energy bills.

7. You Can Improve Your Brand Image

Businesses that rely on outside funding can significantly increase their chances of success by implementing an EMS and optimizing their energy use. Being able to provide specific statistics on your energy consumption shows potential investors that you are serious about making a profit and that you won’t waste their money.

You can also use the data from your EMS in your marketing materials geared towards the public. Statements like “We have reduced our energy consumption by 20% in the last year” can demonstrate that you are a considerate company and that you are intent on solving the climate crisis.

8. You Are Future-Proofing Your Business

At the moment, most companies are still relying heavily on non-renewable energy sources. But in the next few decades, it’s likely that many of them will have to significantly reduce their consumption or switch to renewable energy. The government is likely to put energy-saving measures in place and change some of the laws related to carbon consumption.
By addressing your energy use now instead of waiting until it is absolutely necessary, you can future-proof your business. Early action prevents you from having to scramble to find solutions when the next energy crisis arrives.
Building an energy management system is important for companies because it allows them to track and control the amount of energy they use. With a good EMS, you can save a lot of energy and money, provide a better experience to your employees and visitors, and improve your facility’s performance. Call us at Legacy Electric to find out about our services. We can not only build an EMS for you, but we can also install and maintain your electrical systems.

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